Academy of Silesia

Artistic, Technical, Medical fields of study
Katowice, Poland

Computer Science - I CYCLE STUDIES

Computer Science - Studies in Silesia province - Katowice

Computer Science is a modern and high-powered field of knowledge. The degree course is directed to people who are going to create new technologies and IT tools. The Computer Science is a great degree course for people who like science, have an ability of logical and abstract thinking, and can make decisions fast as well. The quick development of new technologies and modern devices, involving technical software, make new challenges for computer scientists what creates good perspectives of getting a great job and helps the alumnus in developing his/her owns skills. Engaging the degree course (Computes Science) is a long-term investment for the future. The computer scientists are wanted – that is why they earn a lot of money. The education involves the basics of programming, the system without data and network, the operating system independent from the faculty.


  • be interested in technical issues, in particular related to IT,
  • have the skill of both logical and abstract thinking,
  • have a strict mind and technical imagination,
  • be inquisitive, be able to search and combine information,
  • operate the computer at least at a good level.

Bachelor’s degree program (BSc) - 3,5 years, 7 semesters

The person choosing IT does not need to know programming languages. This knowledge is most useful, but it is not necessary, because in computer science studies it is taught from scratch. During the course of the course the student will also acquire knowledge and skills in the field of general computer science issues, learn the operation of modern computer systems, operating systems, computer networks, databases and approaches used in software engineering, taking an active part in the implementation of IT projects. The student will acquire programming skills and work in programming teams during studies. Creativity developed during studies, innovative thinking and a modern approach to technical issues combined with acquired knowledge, is a guarantee of success in professional life.

General education (regardless of the chosen specialization) aims to equip the student with basic knowledge and skills in the IT market, including:

  • Constructing algorithmic procedures for solving specific problems,
  • Programming in modern programming languages,
  • Designing and managing database systems,
  • Configuring network services and managing computer networks,
  • Using contemporary network operating systems,
  • Efficiently using available information sources and utilizing technical documentation of IT products.

In the further course of studies, the student has the opportunity to expand their knowledge in their chosen field within the offered specializations.


  • Cloud computing,
  • Software Tester
  • Computer Game Design and Programming

The graduate has a thorough knowledge of the main issues of IT and modern technologies, development trends and major research problems in IT, ranging from the specification of requirements and design through the operation, maintenance and maintenance of existing IT systems including their adaptation to the constantly changing reality (or creating their own, innovative solutions). At the same time, he has the basic knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, management and economics necessary to make decisions in future professional work. The graduate after graduation receives the title of engineer.


  • IT systems administration
  • Administering Linux systems
  • Administering Microsoft systems
  • Graph and network algorithms
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Computer Architecture
  • Database
  • Systems Security
  • Security in systems and networks
  • Biometric security systems
  • Construction of application applications
  • Data mining
  • Energy-saving IT systems/li>
  • IT control systems
  • Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Software engineering
  • Database systems engineering
  • Basics of programing
  • Basics of data transmission
  • Programming multimedia applications
  • Programming www applications in .NET technology
  • Programming web applications in JAVA technology
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Parallel programming
  • Programming mobile systems-Android
  • Programming mobile devices in C #
  • Database design
  • Wireless networks
  • Computer Networks
  • Telecommunications networks
  • Database Systems
  • Intelligent building systems
  • Operating Systems
  • Embedded systems and mobile lines
  • Web systems
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Unix network environment
  • Advanced web technologies


  • IT consultant
  • IT manager
  • Programmer (depending on the chosen specialty: games, mobile devices, databases),
  • Designer, programmer of simulations and in silico experiments,
  • Mobile device programmer,
  • IT systems analyst and designer,
  • IT systems administrator
  • Database system designer and administrator
  • Designer and administrator of computer networks
  • Business analyst
  • Software tester,
  • IT specialist.

field of study
Computer Science

rekrutacja online

type of study
first-cycle studies (bachelor’s degree)

first-cycle studies - full-time studies
length: 3.5 years (7 semesters)
first-cycle studies - part-time studies (weekend)
length: 3.5 years (7 semesters)



Cooperation with: :

Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka

Współpraca na kierunku Informatyka

Współpraca na kierunku Informatyka

Współpraca na kierunku Informatyka

Współpraca na kierunku Informatyka


Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka Oprogramowanie na kierunku Informatyka

See photos

League of Legends cup final - Silesia province, Katowice
League of Legends cup final

Computer lab - Silesia province, Katowice
Computer lab

© 2015, Academy of Silesia, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Construction and Applied Arts, Katowice, Poland, 43 Rolna Street, 40-555 Katowice, Silesia province, Poland, tel. 32 202 50 34, fax. 32 252 28 75, mail:
Faculty of Medicine, 3-5 Park-Hutniczy Street, 41-800 Zabrze, Silesia province, Poland, tel. 32 27 11 327, fax. 32 32 27 13 021, mail:
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