Academy of Silesia

Artistic, Technical, Medical fields of study
Katowice, Poland

Academic community meeting with representatives of the socio-economic environment

On February 13, an important meeting was held for the academic community with representatives of the socio-economic environment:
- arch. Wojciech Podleski, representative of the Silesian District Chamber of Engineers of Architects and Urban Planners (IARP) and Vice Chairman of the District Qualification Commission;
- arch. Henryk Piątek, representative of the Silesian Branch of the Society of Polish Architects (SARP) o. Katowice;
- arch. Maciej Borsa prof. AŚ representative and vice president of the Society of Polish Urban Planners (TUP);
and the authorities of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Applied Arts:
- Deandr inż. arch. Jakub Świerzawski
- Associate dean, mgr Aldona Kania,
- head of the Department of Architecture, arch. Andrzej Grzybowski AŚ  prof. 
- and coordinator for cooperation with the socio-economic environment arch. Paulina Nagel, assistant head of the faculty.

The purpose of the meeting was to establish regular cooperation between the parties, including:
- Consultation on the curricula of the architecture major to ensure the timeliness and relevance of the courses offered.
- Discussing the challenges facing young architects and seeking ways to solve them through interdisciplinary cooperation.
- To consider the role and opportunities for further cooperation between the university and professional organizations.
- Evaluate the level of preparation of graduates of the Architecture AŚ in the context of their preparation to take the IARP exam.

We emphasize that these types of meetings are crucial for the effective education of future architects. Further activities will focus on monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and improving cooperation between the parties.


Main lecture hall - Śląsk - Katowice
Main lecture hall

Faculty of Media, Acting and Directing - Śląsk - Zabrze
Faculty of Medicine
in Zabrze

Main lecture hall of Faculty of Media, Acting and Directing - Śląsk - Zabrze
Main lecture hall of Faculty of Medicine

Science and Technologdy Park Silesia - Śląskie - Katowice
Science and Technologdy Park "Silesia"
in Katowice

© 2015, Academy of Silesia, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Construction and Applied Arts, Katowice, Poland, 43 Rolna Street, 40-555 Katowice, Silesia province, Poland, tel. 32 202 50 34, fax. 32 252 28 75, mail:
Faculty of Medicine, 3-5 Park-Hutniczy Street, 41-800 Zabrze, Silesia province, Poland, tel. 32 27 11 327, fax. 32 32 27 13 021, mail:
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